Why Not Now?

This is the time of year that most people begin looking forward to next year, setting goals and objectives to reach. There are several ways to work the numbers, as some people want the objectives to be lower and easy to obtain. Others set their objectives aggressively, believing they can accomplish more. Some manager’s use aggressively set goals as a weapon against those that are below their objectives. Others managers are rejoicing in continuous improvement and provide positive reinforcement, as the results climb.

It really doesn’t matter much where you find yourself in any of these descriptions, except to illustrate they are all just guesses and none of us have a crystal ball. If you really want to hit strong performance results in 2016 here’s a few guidelines to consider.

It’s The Process

Great performance requires that you are using best practice processes in everything you do. Understand that every result that you need to improve begins by evaluating your process. If the result is an area of opportunity for improvement your process is poor. If you have high-performing results in your process is it consistent and best practice? Always be searching for the best way to do something. Get all of the information you can from as many sources as possible, with the understanding it’s the best way to grow your numbers.

It’s The Timing

Peak performers don’t look for improvements on January 1 and go through the rest of the year without consideration of it. Top performers are consistently year-round looking for ways to up their game. They know what they have to achieve and set about doing it every day. Never allow yourself to create excuses why you can’t start today. Improvement isn’t on a calendar, so evaluate where you want to improve starting today. If you want to lose weight or quit smoking it doesn’t matter if it’s January 1 or July 15. The commitment to high achievement or reaching a goal requires a daily effort anyway. Another reason to understand the timing of your commitment should be now.

Track It

I believe that whatever you track will improve. Monitor your performance a minimum of two times a week. Have an Excel spreadsheet that shows your trends higher or lower and look at it every day. Forgive yourself quickly when you don’t achieve your result however, never give up. Tomorrow is another day to begin again.

Rob Gehring, President
Fixed Performance Inc.
Fixed Performance complete fixed operations coaching consulting