Your Greatest Risk

As the current year is winding down it’s a common practice for people to set goals for the upcoming Year. Everyone calls these goals New Year’s resolutions. It’s the time of year people evaluate what they desire to accomplish and write them down as a New Year’s resolution to tackle on January 1st. Although I love the thought of millions of individuals looking at ways to improve their lives and setting goals for the next year, I find it interesting most of these goals fail.

As an individual that doesn’t set New Year’s resolutions however, works the entire year on finding ways to get better, I thought today’s topic is timely. Studies show most people fail at New Year’s resolutions quickly. As this year is winding down and we are heading into 2019, I thought it timely to talk about the greatest risk for your future. First, you need to understand setting goals to improve is wonderful and a necessary part of accomplishing anything. Developing an action plan is an important part of any success that you wish to achieve in your life.

I’ve had the privilege of working with thousands of individuals employed by automotive dealerships across the United States. I’ve watched with great joy as hundreds of individuals accomplish things they didn’t think possible. I’ve also witnessed individuals so resistant to change they created a miserable life of mediocrity. Most of us become normalized to failure so we just go from day to day without any focus on ways we could change our lives and improve the future results. Literately the fear of failure stops most individuals from setting goals to improve their life. Accomplishing great results in our lives requires a consistent focus on improvement.

Nothing involving improvement is ever easy and this must be understood before attempting any change in your life. You must face every goal you set with such determination and focus if you want to overcome certain obstacles. By now you might be asking “why this article was titled your greatest risk?” Your greatest risk isn’t failing. It isn’t what other people think. Your greatest risk is never trying. 

Rob Gehring, President
Fixed Performance Inc.
Margin Plus
Fixed Performance complete fixed operations consulting coaching ​

This is the time of year that everyone is starting to think about bettering themselves, going to the gym, eating better and genuinely trying to improve their quality of life for the upcoming year. This year how about we work on your fixed operations together? 

Here at Fixed Performance, we tailor a specific plan that will suit your dealership and its unique situations that it may be facing. We also have a money back guarantee, so there is no risk to you. If you are dedicated to making 2019 your best year-to-date, give us a call at 1 (888) 205-8718 or click the video below to find out more about Fixed Performance and what we can do for you.

Bart Barna, National Sales Director
Fixed Performance Inc.
​Margin Plus
Cell: (419) 503-0508
Office: (419) 433-0282
Fixed Performance complete fixed operations consulting coaching